Natural laxatives: discover 8 anti-constipation foods

One in five French people say they suffer from constipation problems. However, there is no need to rush to laxatives, which are irritating and ineffective in the long term. However, some foods have natural laxative effects and help improve passage.

Constipation can be combated with foods that are true natural laxatives, and while there is no standard, we generally consider ourselves to be constipated if we have less than three bowel movements per day. Constipation can be “natural” (laziness coloncolon) or favored by a bad lifestyle (lack of exercise, few drinks, low-fiber diet, etc.). Unfortunately, laxatives sold in pharmacies can irritate the intestines and cause addiction. Eating certain foods that have natural laxative effects helps to deal with constipation in a gentle way.

Interview: Intestinal microbiota, an essential ally of the immune system

The most famous natural laxative, prunes

In addition to the rich fiber content (25% of the daily intake for eight prunes), pruneprune d’Agen contains dihydroxyphenylisatin, a substance that stimulates intestinal contractions, as well as sorbitol and phenolic compounds that have a laxative effect. Prunes are also consumed in the form of juice or pulp.

Apple or rhubarb compote

Ripe fruits such as apples or pearpear contain pectinpectininsoluble fiber forming a freezefreeze viscous, which slows the absorption of certain nutrients. So it increases volumevolume fecal bolus and improves the consistency of the stool, which facilitates its excretion. Prioritize it rhubarbrhubarbwhich contains anthraquinone, a natural laxative.


Several studies have shown that coffee has laxative effects. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not because of the caffeine. On the one hand, coffee stimulates production gastringastrinand hormonehormone which regulates movesmoves contraction of the distal colon (the part closest to rectumrectum) and increases productionacidacid gastric, which accelerates emptyingstomachstomach towards the intestines. Coffee also increases synthesis cholecystokinincholecystokininanother hormone that facilitates digestiondigestion. In the end, he prefers “good” bacteriabacteria of microbiotamicrobiota. However, the laxative effect does not work for everyone.

Fruit juices and grapefruit

Constipation is often associated with dry stools: when they remain in the colon for too long, the colon reabsorbs water, resulting in hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass. Unfortunately, drinking more is not effective because water is excreted in the urine. Fruit juices contain both fiber (provided that the pulp is preserved) and water, which allows for “retention” of water in the stool and its rehydration. Grapefruit juice is the most interesting because it contains naringinin, which stimulates secretionssecretions colon.

Fatty substances

Beware of diets with too little fat! Oil, butter and margarine have an effect lubricantlubricant in the intestine if they are eaten raw or unheated to a low temperature (they slow down digestion at high temperatures). Olive oil is all the more effective because it acts as a cholagogue (stimulationstimulation bile secretion) that emulsifies dietary fats.

Whole grains

The husk or bran of whole grains (rice, pasta, bulgur, etc.) contain the majority vitaminsvitamins and insoluble fiber. These undigested in the presence of water swell and increase the volume of stool. They also stimulate intestinal contraction. However, they are less effective than insoluble fiber for constipation and are more difficult to tolerate.


THE yogurtsyogurts and fermented milks contain probiotics that balance the intestinal microflora. Several strains such as Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilusSteed Saccharomyces boulardii have proven effective in supporting intestinal contractions. Lactose in dairy products also has a mild laxative effect.

Figs and dried apricots

Very rich in fiber (between 10 and 13 g per 100 g), figs and dried apricots are natural laxatives. These fruits are also abundant potassiumpotassiumone lacklack may cause constipation. They can be consumed as is or in paste form. GiantGiant sold in drugstores.

Constipation: food is not recommended

On the contrary, some foods cause constipation. The point is not to exclude them completely, because they also have other qualities, but to consume them in moderation when you are constipated.

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