A healthy and varied diet contributes to good brain function and overall well-being. The brain needs specific nutrients to protect it from free radicals, oxidative stress and memory loss. Nutrition also plays an important role in maintaining mental health.
Food: what is good for health and what stimulates the brain?
When consumed in excess, some foods are harmful to our brain. In particular, they can promote the occurrence of neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, it is necessary to consume them responsibly. Foods to avoid include toxic substances such as alcohol, ultra-processed industrial products (sodas, sweets, cakes, pizzas, ready meals, etc.), red meat, as well as fried foods, which tend to promote neuroinflammation and accelerate cognitive decline.
Memory, concentration… What are the top 6 foods that nourish the brain and increase its cognitive abilities?
Small fat fish
Sardines, mackerel and herring contain DHA and EPA, polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of the Omega 3 family, fatty acids essential for proper brain function. In addition to improving memory function, helping to regulate mood and preventing cognitive decline, Omega 3 ensures efficient transmission of nerve messages. “It is essential to give preference to small fatty fish, because large ones such as salmon are more contaminated with heavy metals that can affect the nervous system. It is recommended to eat two a week,” advises Garence Naigeon.
Also read> Sardines, friend of your muscles and bones
Brazil nuts or walnut kernels
Nuts are a source of good fatty acids and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the beneficial effects of which have been widely demonstrated. “In particular, Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that helps fight oxidation. They also contain magnesium, which is one of the very interesting minerals for fighting stress and supporting concentration,” the nutritionist explains.
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Green leafy vegetables
Leafy greens such as Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, cabbage and sorrel contain vitamin B9, or folic acid, as well as vitamin K, which play a vital role in the functioning of the nervous system and the prevention of cognitive decline. In general, vegetables are generally rich in fiber, which serves as food for our intestinal microflora. “However, we know that there is a direct link between the health of our microflora and our brain. Vegetables are also rich in antioxidants that fight against oxidation and cell aging,” argues the specialist.
Cod liver oil
Although its taste may not suit everyone, cod liver oil is very interesting because it facilitates neuronal connections thanks to its richness in omega 3. It also contains vitamin D, which is immunoregulatory and acts against neuroinflammation.
Blueberries, currants, goji berries, blackberries, raspberries… Several studies have highlighted the positive effects of berries in preventing memory disorders and protecting the brain. Very rich in antioxidants, they help fight cell aging.
Read also> Berries: super foods!
Hot chocolate
Rich in flavanols, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, dark chocolate helps fight the effects of aging and cognitive decline. Its magnesium content makes it a high quality natural antidepressant. Provided the cocoa content is at least 70%.
To strengthen brain capacity, other foods can also be included in the menu: avocado, eggs, dried apricots, legumes, royal jelly, olive oil, dairy products or green tea.
Also Read> Is Chocolate Good For Your Health?